Wells Fargo Rejects Funding for Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Wells Fargo Rejects Funding for Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Fairbanks, AK – Wells Fargo has released an update to its environmental policy

Federal Court Upholds Injunction Against KXL!
For Immediate ReleaseMarch 15, 2019 Press contact:Dallas Goldtooth, dallas@ienearth.org507-412-7609 Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Pre-Construction Injunction Against Keystone XL PipelineIndigenous Environmental Network Responds Bemidji, MN –

Federal Judge RESCINDS Presidential Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline!
Keystone XL pipeline permit rescinded! Indigenous Environmental Network scores win in legal battle against the Trump administration. Bemidji, MN – On Thursday, November

Opinion: Methane waste may be invisible, but its impacts are all-too obvious
Methane waste may be invisible, but its impacts are all-too obvious By Lisa DeVille When the Trump administration suspended long-overdue updates of regulations on preventing methane waste

The Paris Agreement Does Not Recognize Indigenous Rights
For Immediate Release: Friday November 17th, 2017 PRESS CONTACT: Jade Begay, Communications Coordinator – Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) jade@ienearth.org, whatsapp +1 505 699 4791 Dallas

In Response to America’s Pledge, Californians Ask Governor Brown: Still In for What?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, November 11, 2017 Contact: Jade Begay, jade@ienearth.org, whatsapp: +1-505-699-4791 In Response to America’s Pledge, Californians Ask Governor Brown: Still In for

The U.S. People’s Delegation Takes on the Trump Administration
For Immediate Release PRESS CONTACTS: Jade Begay, Media/Communications Coordinator, Indigenous Rising Media-Indigenous Environmental Network, jade@ienearth.org; whatsapp +1 505 699 4791 Thanu Yakupitiyage, U.S Communications Manager,

First Nations organizing leads to TransCanada Ending Its East Energy East Pipeline and Eastern Mainline proposals.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 5th, 2017 Contact: Eriel Deranger, Indigenous Climate Action, indigenousclimateaction@gmail.com Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, dallas@ienearth.org First Nations organizing leads to

Gulf Coast Environmental Justice Organizers launch the L’eau Est La Vie (Water is Life) Camp, the new hub for the Bayou Bridge Resistance
Indigenous Environmental Network Releases powerful video showing the impact of Bayou Bridge and the plight of coastal Indigenous people in the Louisiana wetlands Springfield, LA

IEN Statement on Federal Court Ruling to Revisit DAPL Environmental Analysis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 14, 2017 Contact: Jade Begay, jade@ienearth.org, 505-699-4791 Nina Smith, nina@megaphonestrategies.com, 301-717-9006 IEN Statement on Federal Court Ruling to Revisit DAPL Environmental

BLOG: 25 Issues You Can Comment On for the DAPL EIS!
President Trump is trying to circumvent the law and force the Dakota Access pipeline to get approved. But the Obama administration already started an Environmental

Indigenous Groups Pledge Mass Mobilization to Stop Keystone XL Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline
Indigenous Groups Pledge Mass Mobilization to Stop Keystone XL Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline “Donald Trump Has Declared War on Indigenous Nations” “We will

Repost: Local Leadership comes to decision, Oceti Sakowin Headsmen meet with ND Governor
The following is a statement by the #NoDAPL Oceti Sakowin Headsmen Council. With its permission, it is being re-posted here on this blog: Oceti Sakowin

Leave a Public Comment for the DAPL E.I.S.!
The fight against the Dakota Access pipeline is NOT OVER! Donald Trump is trying to seal the deal on getting this dirty Bakken oil project

#IndigenousRisingDC Schedule / Events / Actions
#IndigenousRisingDC Schedule / Events / Actions Washington DC, 2017 Presidential Inauguration “As protectors and defenders of our communities, rights, and Mother Earth we descend

Photo Essay: Why Are Native Americans Protesting Pipelines? By Joe Whittle
What cause do Native Americans have to believe so much risk is inherent with oil pipelines? Oil companies tout statistics of their safety and comparative

BLOG: “The Battle Ahead Lies in our Hearts” by Cherri Foytlin
The Battle Ahead Lies in our Hearts By Cherri Foytlin It is hard to believe that it was only about a year ago that

Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to Chairman Archambault’s Ask for Water Protectors to Return Home and Comments on the Fight Ahead
Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to Chairman Archambault’s Ask for Water Protectors to Return Home and Comments on the Fight Ahead December 9, 2016 [Cannon Ball,

Coalition Statement: What’s Next for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock?
Coalition Statement: What’s Next for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock? We, the below stated, are a coalition of grassroots groups living and working in

Governor Dalrymple’s Order To Evacuate People at the Oceti Sakowin Camp Is Out of His Jurisdiction
For Immediate Release: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2016 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, dallas@ienearth.org, (507)-412-7609 Jade Begay, jade@ienearth.org, (505) 699-4791 Cannon Ball, ND – Tonight the Governor of

Women lead Day of Mass Withdrawal as part of the Dakota Access Pipeline Divestment Campaign
For Immediate Release: November 27, 2016 CONTACT: Pennie Opal Plant, 510- 390-0386, pennie@gatheringtribes.com Ayana Young, 484 241-6616, ayana@forthewild.world When: Wednesday, November 30 8 AM –

Thousands Will Join Actions on Tuesday to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
For Immediate Release: November 11, 2016 Contact: Nicky Vogt, 610-389-1314, vogt@newpartners.com ***Media Advisory*** Thousands Will Join Actions on Tuesday to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline More

Standing Rock Update: Arson fire started near Oceti Sakowin Camp Oct. 30, 2016
Hello family. Haven’t posted much updates yesterday and today due to on-the-ground work and travel. But here is an update on a fire that happened:

Citing 1851 Treaty, Water Protectors Establish Road Blockade and Expand Frontline #NoDAPL Camp
For Immediate Release: October 23, 2016 Citing 1851 Treaty, Water Protectors Establish Road Blockade and Expand Frontline #NoDAPL Camp Contact: LaDonna Allard

The Indigenous Environmental Network responds to U.S. Court of Appeals Injunction Denial to Halt DAPL Construction within 20 Miles of Missouri River
For Immediate Release: October 10th, 2016 Press Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, Dallas@ienearth.org Kandi Mossett, 701-214-1389, mhawea@gmail.com Cannon Ball, ND – The U.S. Court of Appeals

Indigenous Women Leaders of Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance to Speak Out For Protection of Earth and Water
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 27, 2016 Media Contact: Jade Begay, jade.begay@gmail.com, +1 (505) 699-4791 Cannon Ball, North Dakota (27 Sept. 2016) – Women of the

Water Protectors Across Midwest Continue to Stop Active Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline & Dispel Accusations of Violence
For Immediate Release: September 27, 2016 Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth (IEN), dallas@ienearth.org, (507) 412-7609 Tara Houska (HTE), tara@honorearth.org, (612) 226-9404 Cody Hall (RWC), cody.hall.605@gmail.com, (605) 220-2531

Hundreds Rally Against Dakota Access Pipeline Outside President Obama’s Final Tribal Nations Summit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 27, 2016 Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth, 507-412-7609 Dani Heffernan, 305-992-1544 Washington, DC — In solidarity with the Dakota Access resistance camps at

United Nation Experts Validate Standing Rock Sioux Opposition To Dakota Access Pipeline
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2016 Media Contact: Tom Goldtooth, (218) 760-0442 United Nation Experts Validate Standing Rock Sioux Opposition To Dakota Access Pipeline Cannon

Over 1200 Archeologists & Museum Directors just sent a letter to President Obama demanding a halt to Dakota Access Pipeline destruction of cultural sites!
In an amazing act of solidarity, over 1200 archaeologists, anthropologists, historians and museum directors sent a letter to President Obama, urging the White House administration

For Immediate Release: August 23, 2016 Contact: LaDonna Allard (CSS), ladonnabrave1@aol.com, (701) 426-2064 Dallas Goldtooth (IEN), dallas@ienearth.org, (507) 412-7609 Tara Houska (HTE), tara@honorearth.org, (612)

Spirit Camp Warriors Stand in Path of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Spirit Camp Warriors Stand in Path of the Dakota Access Pipeline For Immediate Release: August 10, 2016 LaDonna Allard, Camp of the Sacred Stones, ladonnabrave1@aol.com,

Coalition Support of Tribal Lawsuits Against US Army Corps Permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline
SIGNED BY: Camp of the Sacred Stones, Indigenous Environmental Network, Honor the Earth, 350.org, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, Environmental Action,

Indigenous Environmental Network responds to Corps of Engineer Permit Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline
Army Corps of Engineers Issues Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline Indigenous Environmental Network Responds Oceti Sakowin Territory, SD – The United States Army Corps of Engineers

Army Corp of Engineers Approve the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)
By Lisa DeVille (Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation) Mandaree, ND “Another act of oppression by the government. When the pipeline breaks, ALL of our water

Another Flood of Invaders
We’re in the next wave of assimilation, our land has been mortgaged out to those who don’t know its value or how important it is

Coalition of Pipeline Fighters Respond to USFWS Revoking Sovereign Lands Construction Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline in Iowa
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Revokes Sovereign Lands Construction Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline in Iowa Standing Rock Sioux Tribe & Coalition of Pipeline

Human Shield of Prayer Moves in Front of Dakota Access Pipeline Construction!
May 24, 2016 – Camp of the Sacred Stones, Cannon Ball ND Today, in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline and the illegal start of its construction

Keep it in the Ground: Intervention from Gulf of Mexico Indigenous Delegate at Shell Annual General Meeting
MEDIA ADVISORY Keep it in the Ground: Intervention from Gulf of Mexico Indigenous Delegate at Shell Annual General Meeting Photo opportunity outside the Annual General

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, May 12, 2016 YANKTON SIOUX TRIBE CONTACT: Thomasina Realbird, Yankton Sioux Tribe (303) 673-9600 or Jason Cooke, Yankton Sioux Tribe, 605

Royal Dutch Shell Spills Over 88,000 Gallons of Crude Oil in the Gulf of Mexico
For Immediate Release Friday, May 13, 2016 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Monique Verdin, 504-330-0768, moniquemverdin@gmail.com Faith Gemmill, 907-750-0188, redoilone@gmail.com Royal Dutch Shell

#RunForYourLife:NoDAPL Petition Letter to Army Corps of Engineers
[A grassroots group of Native and Non-native runners from across North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa are descending upon Omaha, Nebraska today. They are

Lakota Youth Running 500 Miles In Opposition of Dakota Access Pipeline
For Immediate Release April 27th, 2016 Run For Your Life: NO DAPL Contact: Media contact personnel, Jessye Stein, peopleoverpipelines@gmail.com , 605-223-5930 Other: Manape LaMere (712)-204-0570

16,800 Gallons of Oil Have Leaked Into South Dakota Field
For Immediate Release April 7th, 2016 Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Sabrina King, 801-671-8372, sabrina@dakotarural.org 16,800 Gallons of Oil Have Leaked Into South Dakota Field

Release: Federal Agencies Support Tribes, Critique Army Corps of Engineers on Bakken Pipeline
For Immediate Release April 7th, 2016 Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, 701-854-8617, Ladonnabrave1@aol.com Joye Braun, 605-515-4792, jmbraun57625@gmail.com Federal Agencies Support

Keystone 1 Pipeline Spills in South Dakota; IEN Responds
For Immediate Release April 5th, 2016 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Keystone 1 Pipeline Spills in South Dakota Highlights Need for Full Review of Other

Tribal Citizens Rise Up Against Bakken Oil Pipeline
For Immediate Release March 29th, 2016 Spirit Camp Press Contact: Media contact personnel, Dakota Kidder, rsrtgrassroots@gmail.com, 701-329-9311. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Tribal Historic Preservation Office

Obama Administration Opens Arctic and Gulf of Mexico to More Offshore Drilling
For Immediate Release March 15, 2016 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, 708-515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Faith Gemmill, 907-750-0188, redoilone@gmail.com Cherri Foytlin, 334-462-4484, foytlinfam@cox.net Obama Administration Opens Arctic and

Meet the Indigenous Leaders, from Navajo Nation and beyond, who took a stand for Indigenous Rights at COP21
Last month I had the honor and privilege of teaming up with the Indigenous Environmental Network at the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris to amplify

Where the Indigenous Women’s Treaty differs from the Paris accord | Cherri Foytlin op-ed
Last week in Paris a historic document was signed. This instrument carries the weight and responsibility of protecting a threatened world. Dignitaries came from oceans

Indigenous Peoples Take Lead at D12 Day of Action in Paris – Official response to COP21 agreement
For Immediate Release December 12th, 2015 Press Contacts Dallas Goldtooth, dallas@ienearth.org, 1-708-515-6158 “The Paris accord is a trade agreement, nothing more. It promises

Indigenous Peoples Condemn Outcome of Paris Climate Accord
MEDIA ADVISORY December 12, 2015 Media contacts Clayton Thomas Muller – clayton@350.org +16132977515 Suzanne Dhaliwal – suzanne@no-tar-sands.org +447772694327 Indigenous Peoples Condemn Outcome

Indigenous peoples of the world gather at the base of Eiffel tower to hold a mixing of the waters ceremony
For more information: Dallas Goldtooth +1-708-515-6158 or dallas@ienearth.org December 11, 2015 PARIS, France – As the COP21 climate negotiations begin their final plenary at Le

Indigenous Communities and European Allies take action on Total in Paris during Climate Talks
Thursday, December 10th 2015. EU – Suzanne Dhaliwal – suzanne@no-tar-sands.org +447772694327 Canada – Clayton Thomas Muller – clayton@350.org, +16132977515 Paris, La Defence, Total International

5000 miles from Grand Bois. Red Road to Paris.
5000 miles from Grand Bois. Red Road to Paris. There is a place in south Louisiana that the people call Grand Bois (Big Woods). My

Indigenous activists stage coup denouncing REDD at COP21
Inside the COP21 Solutions Concert, The Indigenous Environmental Network staged an action in coordination with Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh, denouncing the false solutions being peddled by corporations

COP21 Will Not Save our Lands and Territories
COP21 Will Not Save our Lands and Territories by Andrea Landry The twenty-first session of the global climate conference is currently underway in Paris, France.

“Kindy Challwa” Canoe of Life of the Kichwa First People of Sarayaku
[Espanol Abajo] “Kindy Challwa” Canoe of Life of the Kichwa First People of Sarayaku by Sarayaku communications team After a long adventure of over

Indigenous Environmental Network COP21 Delegation Responds to announcement of Canada’s support of 1.5 Climate Target
For Immediate Release December 8th, 2015 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, France: +33 75 1413 823, US: + 708 515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Indigenous Environmental

Historic Kayak Action demands Indigenous Peoples Rights in Paris Climate Accord
For Immediate Release: December 6th, 2015 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, France: +33 75 1413 823, US: + 708 515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Historic Kayak

Indigenous Rights on Chopping Block of UN COP21 Paris Climate Accord
Immediate Release December 4th, 2015 Press Contacts: North America Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, dallas@ienearth.org, 1-708-515-6158 EU Suzanne Dhaliwal, Indigenous Environmental Network, UK Tar Sands

Indigenous Flotilla of Kayaks & Press Conference Demanding True Climate Solutions at COP21
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, December 5, 2015 Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, France: +33 75 1413 823, US: (708) 515-6158, dallas@ienearth.org Andrew

Indigenous Peoples Visions to Confront Climate Change
2 December 2015, by Tayjasaruta (Sarayaku) This Wednesday, December the 2nd, the delegation from Sarayaku (Ecuadorian Amazon) participated in the panel discussion titled, “Indigenous Peoples

PRESS CONFERENCE: “REDD: Contradiction and Violation of the Sacred”
(Dec 1, 2015) Indigenous leaders, Tom Goldtooth, Gloria Ushigua, Alberto Saldamondo, and Berenice Sanchez spoke at the COP 21 at a Press Conference on how

Indigenous Peoples: UN Paris Accord could end up being a Crime against Humanity and Mother Earth
Indigenous Environmental Network FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth +33 75 1413 823 USA: 708 515 6158 dallas@ienearth.org Kandi Mossett +33 75 1414 195 mhawea@gmail.com

Indigenous Environmental Network Delegation Travels to Paris for UN Climate Talks
MEDIA ADVISORY November 24, 2015 Press Contacts: Dallas Goldtooth, IEN Media-Comms Coordinator, ienpipeline@igc.org Tom Goldtooth, IEN Executive Director, ien@igc.org Indigenous Environmental Network Delegation Travels

No War, No Warming – Build an Economy for People and Planet
MEDIA ADVISORY November 23, 2015 Despite the ban on Protest in Paris, we will be there to raise our voices against war, racism and

The Road to Paris: A Report by Alberto Saldamando
Report on Climate Change and the Negotiations for Paris Alberto Saldamando, Indigenous Environmental Network, November 17, 2015 The Road to Paris: The Kyoto Protocol uses as

First Ever Indigenous Women’s Treaty Signed of “North and South”
September 27, 2015 (New York City, NY) Today marked a historic milestone in the movement for environmental justice and indigenous rights. Indigenous women leaders of

Summer of Our Power
#OurPowerSummer The Climate Justice Alliance’s Summer of Our Power launched on the Summer Solstice—June 21, 2015—in recognition of our interrelated, interdependent, and complementary relationship with

Tribal Nations Ask President Obama to Reject KXL and Request Emergency Meeting with Department of Interior
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gay Kingman, Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association, (605) 721-6168 Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, (507) 412-7609 Robert Flying Hawk, Yankton Sioux

Leaders of the Paiter Suruí ask that the carbon project with Natura be terminated – new post on REDD-Monitor
The Paiter-Suruí REDD project in Brazil is often held up as a successful indigenous-led REDD project. In December 2014, REDD-Monitor published an English translation of

CALL TO ACTION!!! January 13th, 2015 – 7pm Central Time #NOKXL VIGIL ACROSS TURTLE ISLAND!! A coordinated day of action

IEN Response to Sen. Murkowski’s Comments on Tsimshian “Gavel”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Response to Senator Murkowski’s Actions and Comments in Senate Meeting on KXL Bill January 9, 2015 – The Indigenous Environmental Network

Dine’ walk against fracking | Nihígaal béé Íina: Our Journey For Existence
On January 6, 2015, we will start from the fireplace and doorway of Diné Bikéyah, at Dził Nahodiłii (Huerfano, NM), the homeplace place of our

Indigenous Women: Earth Defenders Speak Out from the Front Lines of Climate Change
We hear from a panel of indigenous women from around the world who met off-site Monday to share their solutions to climate change. The event,

NO KXL DAKOTA prepares for SD PUC Dec 9th hearing on TransCanada Keystone’s motion to restrict information available for recertifying pipeline
NO KXL DAKOTA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, December 5, 2014 CONTACT: Faith Spotted Eagle, (605) 481-0416 Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, (507) 412-7609 Sabrina King,

International Tribunal issues verdicts on 12 cases of violations to climate, nature and communities
Panel finds corporations, United Nations and governments guilty of violating nature’s rights. Lima, Peru (Dec. 7, 2014)– The International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature

OUR MESSAGE at the UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru Dec. 2014
We are in a historic moment wherein world leaders will continue drafting a new global treaty agreement on climate change this year in Lima at

INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS OF NATURE TRIBUNAL To Investigate Cases of Environmental Destruction | Lima, Peru Dec. 5 & 6
As the world looks to Lima, Peru for the 20th UN COP on Climate Change, The International Rights of Nature Tribunal is set to convene in

Indigenous Groups Occupy Airport Near Amazon Oil Reserves
Peruvian indigenous groups took control of an airport near an oil block in the Amazon on Monday. (Photo: Andrew Miller/Twitter) A large group of indigenous

Frontline voices call for Climate Justice, shut out of process
Frontline communities gathered for the People’s Climate Justice Summit following the historic Peoples Climate March on September 21, 2014 in New York City. We held

Jihan Gearon of Black Mesa Water Coalition Shares Testimony At The Peoples Climate Justice Summit | Indigenous Rising
The Climate Justice Alliance hosted a People’s Climate Justice Summit on Sept. 22 and 23, 2014, featuring the voices, strategies, and solutions of climate-affected communities

Musician Sting: Why I Am Walking with the Indigenous Bloc in People’s Climate March
The world-renowned musician and activist Sting stopped by Democracy Now for the three-hour special from the People’s Climate March to talk about why he is

Kandi Mossett of IEN and the Climate Justice Alliance Critiques the U.N.
(New York City) The Climate Justice Alliance, of which the Indigenous Environmental Network is a member of, released a Statement to World Leaders and President

Meet Josephine Mandamin (Anishinaabekwe), The “Water Walker”
With a copper pail of water in one hand and a staff in the other, Josephine Mandamin, an Anishabaabewe grandmother took on a sacred walk,

Hear What 13 Year Old Ta’kaiya Blaney Has To Say About The Face Of Change
Ta’Kaiya Blaney,Sliammon First Nation from B.C., Canada, shares on the face of change. Music: Frank Waln Video and Editing: Dallas Goldtooth and Ayse Gursoz

“Why I’m Marching” -Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponca) Shares
Sept 21. (Central Park NYC) Pre-People’s Climate March. Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponca) shares on why she’s marching at the People’s Climate March. *Interviewing by Lyla Johnston,

INDIGENOUS RISING | NYC Climate March Weekend Day 1: Water Blessing Ceremony
(Sept. 20: NYC) Water Blessing Ceremony at the Hudson River on Pier 25 in New York City led by Josephine Mandamin (Anishinaabekwe) from Manitoulin Island.

Press Release: Social Movements representing more than 200 million people around the world denounce corporate take-over of Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit
Press Release: Social Movements representing more than 200 million people around the world denounce corporate take-over of Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit Social movements such as

Indigenous Peoples at Forefront of Historic People’s Climate March in New York City
Indigenous Peoples at Forefront of Historic People’s Climate March in New York City Dina Gilio-Whitaker 9/4/14 originally posted in: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com With climate change a no-brainer