You are currently viewing OUR MESSAGE at the UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru Dec. 2014

OUR MESSAGE at the UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru Dec. 2014

We are in a historic moment wherein world leaders will continue drafting a new global treaty agreement on climate change this year in Lima at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference on Parties (COP). The final agreement is then expected to be signed in 2015 at the COP 21 in Paris.

Having the voices of our Indigenous communities at this global meeting on climate is critical, and we need your help getting there.

We are raising funds to support our work for Climate Justice and Indigenous Rights as we bring together Indigenous Women of the South and North of the Americas for the formation of an International Compact Agreement as Life-Givers for Future Generations, as Keepers of the Waters, as Defenders for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and as Sisters, Mothers and Grandmothers in Defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth. (Learn more at

On this trip, delegates will…

Participate in mobilizations and activities that will demand that government leaders be more accountable to people and the planet now and in the future;
Participate with international social movement allies in shaping global organizing strategies to challenge corporate-driven policies;
Participate in self-organized activities that we will coordinate with allies;
Participate in delegation briefings, orientations and strategy discussions to guide our work in our frontline Native communities, nationally and internationally.
Build relationships with one another, share local work and build a stronger grassroots movement in the United States.
Strengthen our relationship with our indigenous brothers and sisters from the Amazon and Andes; as well as other regions of the world.
We will also be taking part in a US-based sister Social and Climate Justice group, called Grassroots for Global Justice (GGJ).

Your heartfelt support is always deeply appreciated. Your kind donations are welcome and can be made at